c班班主任拿起话筒有些兴奋的说:“i can"t help but feel a bit jealous of a-class"s head teacher i would love to be her mentor too i"m so jealous i also hope that you will live up to your potential and continue to make progress in the future(怎么办,有点嫉妒a班班主任了。这么好的苗子我也想当她的指导老师。好嫉妒!也希望你们之后能够不负众望,再接再厉。)”
d班班主任无奈的说:“they have said everything i wanted to say i can only look forward to your next performance this anticipation is both a motivation and a pressure, that you can withstand the pressure and continue to surprise us(他们把我想说的话都说完了。我只能说期待你们的下一场演出。这种期待既是动力也是压力,希望你们能够扛住压力继续给我们惊喜。)”